5th National Conference “Psychiatry and Spirituality” November 24 and 25, 2023, Kraków
The topic of this unique, interdisciplinary conference will be nature understood from a therapeutic and spiritual perspective.
As the organizers write:
During the lectures, we will discuss topics related to forest therapy, hortitherapy, the impact of contact with birds on the therapeutic process, the development of pharmacology from plant-based preparations to modern times, we will look at the role of nature in therapy from the patient’s point of view, we will reflect philosophically on nature as a factor that builds well-being and we will look at the encyclical “Laudato Si” by Pope Francis.
During the workshops, you will be able to actively learn about the methods of music therapy, meditation, art therapy, therapeutic trips to nature, consider how to support adolescents during adolescent rebellion and look at the basic problems of the suicidological crisis.
Dr Katarzyna Simonienko will talk about the relationship between people and the forest from the perspective of spiritual and mental health.
Link to the website: http://www.psychiatriaiduchowosc.pl/
Animal practices in the 21st century, Poznań University of Adam Mickiewicz, 17.11.2023
As the organisers write:
‘The periodically organized, annual nationwide scientific conference, to which we invite you, aims to undertake interdisciplinary reflection on human-non-human relations. The primary value of the organizers is to create opportunities for scientists, activists, social activists, artists and other people interested in animal welfare to exchange views.
We combine the abolitionist and welferist perspectives, believing that every smallest gesture has value if it ultimately contributes to improving animal welfare, understood as the ability to meet the needs resulting from the specificity of each organism.’
Dr Katarzyna Simonienko tells a lecture: shifting baseline syndrome and the extinction of experiences – from anthropogenic degradation of ichthyofauna to widespreading of
selected mental disorders
link to the website: https://www.praktykiwobeczwierzat.pl/
The 1st International Forest Therapy Congress October 27th- 30th Hwasun, Republic of Korea The 1st World Forest Therapy FestivalOctober 31th – November 2nd Daejeon, Republic of Korea
At this unique international conference bringing together several hundred forest medicine and forest therapy specialists from all over the world, Dr. Katarzyna Simonienko has the honor to deliver the inaugural lecture on forest therapy and forest bathing in Poland. With great pride we will represent Poland and Europe in South Korea, a country that was one of the first to make forest therapy a widely available branch of medicine at the national level. Thank you very much for inviting us.
Interdisciplinary Dialogue of Experts Psychiatry Neurology 01-03/09/2023 Łochów
A scientific conference known for its high level and interesting interdisciplinary debates, devoted to the latest issues in psychiatry and neurology as well as opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation.
We will present a lecture on the mechanisms of nature’s impact on health, the phenomenon of green prescriptions, discuss their use by other countries and proposals for their application in Poland. There will also be workshops presenting the practical use of ecotherapeutic interventions in indoor conditions (possibility of implementation in a hospital/day ward/outpatient facility/psychotherapeutic center).
Workshop session: Depression – where pharmacology meets nature.
Workshop session: the phenomenon of green prescriptions in psychiatric treatment
Sunday, 9:00-11:00, Katarzyna Simonienko, MD
Link to the website: https://ide.edu.pl/program/
4th Congress of the Polish Society of Lifestyle Medicine 15-17/09/2023 Warsaw, CMKP
This very interesting scientific conference will cover topics such as the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation, interpersonal relationships and the health of Poles, lifestyle in the treatment of obesity, treatment of sleep disorders, SIBO, and irritable bowel syndrome. The “Nature on prescription” panel includes, among others:
Friday, 16:40-17:40 NATURE ON PRESCRIPTION
- Forest therapy – the impact of contact with nature on health (Katarzyna Simonienko, M.D.)
- Therapeutic ornithology (Prof. Piotr Tryjanowski, Ph.D. in biology)
- Prescription nature in a doctor’s office – an overview of interventions (Aleksandra Zając, MD)
Link to the website: https://ptmsz.pl/kongres-ptmsz-2023/